Sonntag, 4. Januar 2015

Wanted: Gerfakir|in

What language can do... 

There is this theory that if initial and final letter of a word are in the right position you can correctly read the word even though the other letters are completely messed up. I haven't tried it in English, for German it works perfectly.

As I was reading the local newspaper earlier this day, I found this job offer and immediately thought of this theory. Even if you are not too much into languages and language theories or whatsoever, it's still worth having a look at it. I have never seen a creative job offer in the news as this one is. If it wasn't a Tyrolean marketing company, I would definitely think about sending my CV and letter of application - written in the same style!

Have fun!

(Taken from Tiroler Tageszeitung, Sunday, January 4 2015, p.61)

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