Sonntag, 4. Januar 2015

in my thirties soon...

Hey guys,

do you know what I just realized? I haven't even introduced myself to you! You are reading my posts and I suppose you rarely know anything about the person who's writing them... Seems like being in my thirties soon has a negative impact on my memory :/ 
However, to tell you a little bit more about me, I came up with this kind of word rap to give you an impression of who I am.

Here we go....


Cupcakes, muffins, bagels, cakes or cookies, it doesn't matter! I love to prepare any kind of bakery in my spare time. I'm always trying to come up with new ideas when it comes to combination of spices or simply decorating them. 


I love to go to see a movie. Whereas going to the cinema had always been one of my favourite things to do in the past, nowadays I prefer watching good movies comfortably sitting on our couch at home. I'm not very much into Science Fiction nor thriller kind of things. My all time favourite is Gladiator (due to the fact that I'm deeply in love with Russel Crowe), but I also love The Lord of the Rings, The Crow or Underworld (what is somehow contradictory, but who cares...)


My ideal way of having fun is spending an evening with friends playing games and have a couple of drinks. These evenings tend to start with a nice dinner around 7pm and usually end up early in the next morning.


Learning new languages has always played an important role in my life. This is the main reason why I decided to start the Linguistics programme at my town's university in 2005 and began the Transcultural Communication programme in March last year. Besides English I also speak German, what is my mother tongue, Spanish and a little bit of Portuguese and Italian. The languages that are on my "to do" list are Swedish, Norwegian or a Baltic language such as Estonian. We will see what comes next.


I am one of these persons who is almost constantly listening to music. Preferable, I enjoy listening to Rock music, but except for traditional Austrian Folk and Classical music I listen to nearly any music genre. In my playlist you can find anything from ACDC to Lady Gaga, Spanish Pop songs and Austrian singer Andreas Gabalier.


Seeing things from different perspectives has always been important to me. That's why photography plays an important role in my life too. I love to try out new things (contrasting light and shadow, different landscapes etc.). I'll show you some of my favourite pictures in one of my following posts.


Besides baking, reading a good book is what I really enjoy doing in my free time (if the book is related to baking in any way, even better!). I don't really have a favourite book or author. What I am reading mainly depends on my mood and what I have to read for university. That is to say, you can find books from Paolo Coelho, Agatha Christi or Donna Leon as well as Joanne K. Rowling or J.R.R. Tolkien in my personal library.


Some would call me addicted to shoes (my boyfriend certainly does), I would say: I am a woman! With all my sneakers, boots, flipflops and high heels (and including snowboard boots and sneakers to play tennis solely), I guess the number of pairs of shoes is about a hundred... call me an addict now?! I'd still say NO!


Travelling is what I spend my money most on. Being abroad and getting to know new landscapes, people and cultures is the least part in my life I would like to miss. I have been travelling to many countries by now (like Venezuela, Mexico or Canada on the American continent, and Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Croatia or Italy in Europe, as well as Tunesia and Egypt in Africa), but there are still many corners of the world I would love to see someday. Among them are espcially New Zealand, South America - wih Argentina and Chile in first place - and South Africa. So what about some wine tasting in South Africa, island hopping in Polynesia or walking on Inca trails in Peru some day soon? Feel free to join!
To sum up, there is one phrase that describes it best:


As you probably can imagine if you read through my travelling wishes and the wine tasting in South Africa: I love wine. I usually don't really drink a lot of alcohol, but I can't say No to one or another glass of good red wine. Especially when it's a bottle of Stellenbosch Cabernet Sauvignon or an Allesverloren Shiraz, I could definitely die for it! (Note to myself for 2015: drink less wine!)

I hope I could tell you a little bit more about myself... there are many more things to come which will make you understand my way of thinking better! :)

Have a nice day!

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